USTC "STEELHEAD TYPE" Model 2200-DB-W96-CB Chiller W/ Thermal Control Mod 3602

No longer available

USTC "STEELHEAD TYPE" Model 2200-DB-W96-CB Chiller W/ Thermal Control Mod 3602

$4,950 (USD)

Fountain Valley, CA


USTC specializes in Thermal Management on a Processor and delivers solutions that integrate direct Thermal Head™ contact on a CPU with the variety of controllers, air and liquid cooling systems used for tailoring a good range of processor control options. In 1996, USTC made the first Thermal Solution for managing the heat on an Intel® Slot1 CPU. As the processor roadmap and electronics industry has expanded into a myriad of size, power and performance options, so have USTC methods for managing thermals. We always provide hands-on support and networking between our team and our customers so that a solution perfectly fits the requirements. Hardware schematics are THERMAL HEAD™ + CONTROLLER + AIR/FLUID COOLING SYSTEM. USTC solution features

